IELTS スピーキング対策 RedSox

Q.IELTS スピーキングセクションの留意点は?

まずは、ハッキリと話すことです。明瞭にできるだけ多くの情報を試験官に伝えましょう。その上で下記の箇条を守ればIELTS スピーキングテストの受講準備は完璧!



スピーキングではまず話しを途切らせずに、会話を続けることが重要になります。 その上で、時制を複合させた文章、理論的な文章、違う種類単語を使うことで高スコアを狙えます。 また分からない、問題分・単語があれば試験官に確認することも可能です。

・”I’m sorry, I don’t know what ______ means. Could you please tell me?”

“I’m afraid I don’t understand the question. Would you mind saying it in a different way?”


Q.IELTS スピーキング で使える表現フレーズや言い回しは?

質問(英語):What is the public transport system like in your city?

Personally, I tend to think that the public transportation in my city is inadequate. The reason why I think so is that there are not enough trains and the buses are always late. As a consequence, many people, including myself, are not satisfied with the transport service that is provided.

個人的には、私は私の街の公共交通機関は不適切であると思う傾向があります。 私がそう思う理由は十分な電車がなく、バスがいつも遅いからです。 結果として、私を含む多くの人々は満足していません。

質問(英語):Do you think it is better to live in the centre of town or out in the countryside?

If I had to choose between the two, I would much rather live in the city since there are far more things for me to do there. For example, there is much more entertainment, such as theatres, galleries, restaurants and bars, and there are significantly more employment opportunities. On the other hand, a country lifestyle would be attractive because of the peace and quiet, and the fact that there is much more nature there than in the city. However, the centre of town is the best place for me.

2つのうちどちらかを選択しなければいけないのであれば、私は都心に住む方が良いです。 たとえば、劇場、ギャラリー、レストラン、バーなどのエンターテイメントは多く、雇用機会も大幅に増えています。 その一方で、平和や静けさ、そして都市よりもはるかに多くの自然があるという事実から、田舎のライフスタイルは魅力的です。 しかし、都心の方が私にとっては最高の場所です。

質問(英語):What do you think is the best way for a tourist to travel in your country?

While there are many ways to move around Japan, in my opinion the most enjoyable way is to use the train network. The reason why I think using trains is the best way is that my country, Japan, has very efficient services to all parts of the country. A further reason is that travelling by train allows tourists to meet many local people and to see the beautiful countryside. Because of these reasons, I believe train travel is the best way for a visitor to travel around Japan.

日本中を移動する方法はたくさんありますが、私の考えでは最も楽しい方法は電車を使うことです。 私が列車を使うのが最善の方法だと思うのは、私の国、日本が国のいたるところに非常に効率的なサービスを提供しているからです。 さらなる理由は、電車で旅行することで観光客が多くの地元の人々と出会い、美しい田園地帯を見ることができるようになることです。 これらの理由から、私は電車での旅行が日本を旅行するための最良の方法だと思います。

質問(英語):What sort of things do you read? Why?
質問(日本語):どんな本を読みますか? またその理由は?

Well, when I was younger, I used to read many comics because they were funny and easy to read. However, nowadays, I tend to read a lot of university articles because I am currently studying Art History at university. While this kind of reading is useful for my studies, I would prefer to be reading books, magazines or Internet sites I personally like. So, after finishing my studies, I will concentrate on these kinds of reading

私が若い頃は、面白かったので、漫画が沢山読みました。しかし、最近は大学で美術史を勉強しているので、大学に関連する記事を読む傾向があります。 また読書は勉強の役立ちますので、本、雑誌、自分が好きなインターネットサイトなどを通して読書を続けます。現在の読んでいる本が終わりましたら、私はそちらに集中するつもりです。

質問(英語):How will people’s working conditions be different in the future?

In my opinion, employment in the future will change a lot. People will be doing a lot more work from home since the Internet will be more popular and useful in people’s working lives. Also, I think more people will have their own businesses and less people will be working in big companies. In the future, I hope to start up my own company, and I am planning to retire by the age of 55.

私の意見では、将来の雇用は大きく変わります。インターネットは人々の職場生活において便利であるため、在宅勤務など自宅から仕事をするようになる。 また多くの人は自分で起業をしてビジネスをするようになり、大企業で働く人は減少すると思います。将来、自分も会社を立ち上げて55歳までに引退することを計画しています。

質問(英語):What effect has the tourism industry had on your country?

Historically, tourism has not had a major influence on Japan. However, these days, more and more foreign people are visiting Japan to experience its beautiful nature and unique culture. This is a good thing because people can learn many important things about one another. Learning about other countries and teaching people about my wonderful country are the positive effects of tourism. I want to see this beneficial exchange continue in the future.

歴史的に見ても、観光は日本に大きな影響を及ぼしていません。 しかし、最近では、その美しい自然とユニークな文化を体験するために、多くの外国人が日本を訪れています。 人々はお互いに多くのことを学ぶことができるので、これは良いことです。他の国々について学び、自国について人々に教えることは観光業の良い効果です。 私はこの有益な交流が将来も続くことを望みます。

IELTS スピーキング対策 [Part1]ジョン・F・ケネディの生家

Q.IELTS Part1についての対策は?

自分の身の回りのことなので、なるべく単語,流暢さ,文法,発音を気を付けながら、しっかり話しましょう。 注意点は質問されたことに対する回答で終わってしまうことです。

質問:”Where do you live?”
回答:”I live in Nakano.”


・文法 (過去との比較など)

質問:”Where do you live?”
“I live in Nakano, which is in west Tokyo and is about 10 minutes from Shinjuku by train.It is well known for shopping and there is a beautiful park. Nowadays, I live in Nakano. However, I was brought up on Yokohama and moved to Nakano when I entered high school. While it is a nice place to live at the moment, I am planning on moving in the next 12 months.”

IELTS スピーキング対策 [Part2]ナイアガラの滝

Q.IELTS Part2についての対策は?
試験官が選んだ話題について、1~2分でスピーチをします。 1分間の準備時間があるので、メモを取ったり準備できます。 2分経つと修了し、スピーチに関する質問があります。

Describe a holiday experience you particularly liked. You should say: when / where you went, who you went with, what you did, and explain why you enjoyed this holiday.


問題文から読み取れることは [いつどこへ、誰と、何をしに、理由]を述べる必要があります。

“I’d like to talk about a three-week holiday in Australia that was really enjoyable. The places I went to in Australia were Melbourne, Sydney and Byron Bay, and I travelled there in May 2006, just over a year ago. While travelling with friends is a great experience, on this holiday I went by myself because my friends in Tokyo did not have the time or money to go with me. However, I had a fantastic time travelling around these places in Hawaii. I had the chance to do many things during this holiday. For example, I was able to try surfing for the first time when I was in Hawaii.It was very difficult. What’s more, I saw fairy sea turtles outside of Hawaii, and they were so beautiful. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take photos of them. One of the reasons why I enjoyed this holiday was that it was my first time in Hawaii and the first time I travelled alone. So it was an exciting challenge for me. As a result of being by myself, I was able to meet many other people travelling around, and could make new friends from different countries. I still keep in contact with these people. By far the greatest moment on this trip was seeing the sea turtles. It was really amazing to see.”


IELTS スピーキング対策 [Part3]ジョン・F・ケネディの生家

Q.IELTS Part3についての対策は?
パート2で選んだ話題に関連した質問について4~5分間討論します。 討論で重要なことは、自分の意見を述べ、それを支持する根拠や具体例を示しつつ、論理を展開することです。

The Internet and shopping

Why do you think people use the Internet for shopping?

“I think convenience is one of the main reasons people use the Internet for shopping. For example, people can use the Internet to shop at any time and place they choose. In addition, many people find it very convenient to have purchases delivered to their home address instead of going to a shop to buy the same goods.”

Why doesn’t everyone use it in this way?

“Actually, I believe some people are reluctant to shop online as they prefer to see the goods in a shop before they decide to make a purchase. One problem with Internet shopping is that when the purchase arrives, the buyer may find the goods are not suitable. Furthermore, some people don’t like to shop online due to security fears. By this I mean fears over the security of their credit card details.”

What kinds of things are easy to buy and sell online? Can you give some examples?

“Basically, goods that are easy to buy and sell online include goods where no physical delivery is involved, such as holidays and other travel bookings. Also, goods such as books and CDs, where there is less need for the buyer to see the goods before purchasing, are easy to buy and sell online.”

Do you think shopping on the Internet will be more or less popular in the future? Why?

“In my opinion, Internet shopping will become more popular. The reason why I think this is that future generations are likely to be more comfortable with using the technology so there will be a decrease in the number of people who are unsure of Internet shopping. As a consequence, Internet shopping might one day be the most common form of shopping.”

広範囲のため、自分の意見を常に英語で考えてすぐ言える練習が必要です。フリーディスカッションでトピックを展開して会話の練習をするなどが有効です。 回答は暗記せず、自分の英語力を単純に上げることを考えましょう。

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